Study on bringing AMR Medical Countermeasures to the Market

  20 April 2023

This report focuses upon the prospective roles and responsibilities of the European Union (EU); specifically in supporting new developments in the pipeline and ensuring access to Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Medical Countermeasures (MCMs) brought to market.

Primary-data collection was carried with over 115 stakeholders actively engaged in the AMR space. The outputs of these surveys and interviews provided an understanding of the key market needs and expectations for DG HERA’s action.

Survey respondents expect DG HERA to play an important role in the implementation of a new pull mechanism. The simulation carried out under this study suggests that this can be achieved with pull incentives including revenue guarantees. Survey respondents also expect DG HERA to contribute or complement existing financial push incentives. An additional USD 60 to 100 million per year from the EU would help drive innovation in AMR from the early developmental stages and increase the pipeline of new vaccines, diagnostics, and treatments against key-priority pathogens. Finally, survey respondents also noted that DG HERA could assist with the provision of non-financial support, including knowledge sharing, dissemination of best practices and capacity building for Member States for which further analysis and investigation is needed.

Author(s): Publications Office of the EU
Effective Surveillance  


Unrestricted financial support by:

Antimicrobial Resistance Fighter Coalition

Bangalore Bioinnovation Centre




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